Deuteronomy 7:9 says this: “Understand , therefore, that the LORD your God is indeed God. He is the faithful God who keeps his covenant for a thousand generations and lavishes his unfailing love on those who love him and obey his commands.”
Believing that God chose to lavishly love me by sending His one and only son, and extend grace to me that is greater than all my sin, my heart’s desire is that women first and foremost know Jesus as their personal Savior and that His love for us continues for a thousand generations. Lavishly Loved is what I believe God's word says about all who have put their hope in Him.
I would cherish the opportunity to come and share God's truths with you at your next women's event.
Much Love,
Watch a Video Clip of Laura Speaking at
Clarks Summit University in February 2018.
Ep. 27 | Lavishly Loved with Laura Howell Sommons - Clarks Summit University
Listen to Laura share how her eating disorder brought her greater understanding of God’s lavish love. You will be encouraged by her authentic and powerful testimony as she joins Dr. Jim Lytle (CSU president) and Paul Golden (executive director of Alumni & Development) for this podcast from Clarks Summit University.
"In my opinion, Laura was the best speaker I've heard during a women's retreat. I loved the fact that she kept the focus on God and what He has to say. She wasn't speaking about what she thinks about a topic, but rather what the Bible says. She was a wonderful speaker, and I was so encouraged with the deep truths that she shared. She wasn't there to just have our "ears tickled" but challenged us with Biblical truth. She was a delight."
"... an incredible tenderness for the problems that women face, and gently but firmly directs them to the scriptures for answers..."
"I don't know anyone who loves ministry to women more than Laura Sommons... She is a woman with a bucket load of personality that will encourage every women she meets. If Laura speaks to your women, you will not be disappointed."
"You will find Laura relatable, vulnerable and genuine. After hearing her, you will be moved to live closer to your heavenly Father with a deep commitment to knowing Him Better."
"Laura's life and love for God are contagious. You will experience God's love spilling into your presence when you have her speak for your group."
"... Her ability to be transparent about her struggles and share the truth about God's love has a huge impact on those who hear her..."
"...As she shared and ministered at each of our sessions it was like sitting across the kitchen table and sharing a cup of tea and conversation..."
"...All in attendance laughed and cried. It was like looking in the mirror..."
"...Laura was, quite simply, amazing. She was kind, thoughtful, spoke clearly and from the heart..."
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